Today we were cleaning out the garage and our neighbor bryan was riding his dirk bike doing wheeleys, well preston thought he was the coolest person ever and asked missy if he could ride it and of course addison wanted on to...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
so I'm sure by now everyone knows how obsessed preston is with dirty bikes, so it was no surprise when i got out of the shower to find preston riding his dirt bike (my foot board) making dirt bike noises and wearing his make shift helmet! when i asked him why he had his diaper on his head and he told me it was hims helmet like dad wears!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
so just to update everyone I re - painted my kitchen, (no more orange yay!) no it is a plum purple much better, andrew says we went from mac and cheese to the hamburgler!
today we took the kids to the living planet aquarium. they had a ton of fun, makayla and bodie loved the sting rays, oakley loved the sea horses, preston liked the eels, and my favorite was the jelly fish that change color. and andrew just wanted to eat the giant lobster! lol
Sunday, March 1, 2009
just some pics of owen!
on january 10th we had baby#5 later named owen albert. all of the kids were excited but none as much as preston, he kept telling everyone it was his baby and woulf freak if anyone tried to leave the room with him. hopefuly they will stay good friends!
okay so everyone has been giving me a hard time about myspace. lol so I am going to try a blog, and hopefully with a little help from jeni it will work!
my life is very busy I am the mom of 5 great kids, and married to my high school sweetheart. we live in tooele and it is great being so close to our familys.